The work of Sarah Maison Bortuzzo (b. 1990, Paris) questions the body in its materiality, in relation to the environment that surrounds it.
Through intertwining colors on the canvas the artist creates spaces for her figures to inhabit: these undefined, timeless places are decluttered from narrative elements. Interested rather by the interiority of her characters, the artist establishes a perpetual dialogue between figuration and abstraction seeking more "to make people feel, rather than to describe, what happens when we let ourselves be inhabited by the world and how the world composes us from the inside". The boundaries between space and figure are gradually dissolved, the color is internalised, becoming a reflection of spirituality, the figure, stripped of space time attributes, becomes an archetype.
Maison portrays herself in almost all of her paintings. She often decides to be accompanied by another character, who, however, is there as a function of her, to act as her counterpart and allow her to escape from herself when, overwhelmed by her own presence, she feels the need to find new forms of representation.
Femininity takes on new attributes and the woman, in becoming a mother, emancipates herself through the act of creating life.